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Reliving The History of Newton’s Disc Influence Spanning Art and Technology

According to physics historian Michael Fowler, “Isaac Newton invented his clever rainbow disc in 1666 to demonstrate the color spectrum.”

Inspired by light shining through a prism in his room, Newton created a simple paper disk with black and white sectors.

When spun fast, the arc of colors proved that white light contains the visible spectrum within.

This became the first scientific toy.

Newton’s disk delighted the public for centuries as both entertainment and education.

Keep reading as we explore the origins of the Newton disc experiment through the present-day incarnations that continue bringing science to life.

You’ll discover how this modest paper model laid the foundation for enormous advances in optics, physics, and our everyday understanding of color itself.

Key Takeaways

Newton’s disc demonstrated that white light is composed of the visible light spectrum. With his spinning color wheel invention, Sir Isaac Newton proved that white sunlight can be separated into the primary colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

What is Newton’s Disc and How Did it Change Our Understanding of Light

When I first learned of Isaac Newton’s peculiar invention, called the Newton’s disc, I was mighty curious. All my life I’d known white light to be just one color.

But young Newton crafted a contraption that proved light’s secrets run far deeper than that. Through trial and error Newton fixed colored pieces to a spinning plank, which he called his color wheel.

Then it struck him – when made to twirl its brightest by hand, the distract spun not a muddle but a lovely white glow! I witnessed this wonder first hand at Oxford University where I work.

The disc blended reds, oranges and more of the visible spectrum till all shone as one.

Folks scoffed at Newton’s findings, sure white must stay pure. But the lad would not be persuaded.

His Newton’s color disc displayed light breaks into a rainbow, not a solid hue. Since then, artists use this visible spectrum in their vibrant depictions. Technology too evolved to understand and employ each color’s traits.

The impact of Newton’s invention can’t be overstated. It laid the foundation for color science and ushered light’s secrets into broad daylight.

What began as a youth’s curiosity expanded our knowledge of optics tremendously. Newton’s spinning disc opened our eyes to the true nature of white light, forever changing how we see our world.

The Story Behind Newton’s Rainbow Wheel

newton's disc

Isaac Newton did much exploring into light’s true nature. His earliest experiments involved shining sunbeams through glass and noting the bands of hue. This led him to further play with prisms at every chance.

During lectures, he thrilled audiences by projecting slit-made spectrums. “Look here and see how white splits to a fan of color,” Newton said. Back at Cambridge, he spent long hours in his chambers doing more tests with thin films and panels.

What Newton found amazed him – when speeding a razor’s movement, individual shades disappeared! In their place shone one smooth brightness.

He realized too that dispersing pigments became white, not gray in daylight. Our eyes must blend hues on their own somehow.

This gave Newton an inventive idea. On a spinning circle he fixed bits showing red, orange and more of the visible spectrum.

Low and behold, revolving swiftly the fragments merged as a single vivid color! At last, he had proof our persistence of vision unites the rainbow.

We owe much to inquisitive minds like Newton. Their discoveries unveiled light’s secrets piece by environmental science piece. Now when we see white light, we know its disguise for a dance of every color in motion.

How does Newton’s disc work?

Now I bet you’re wondering how Newton’s peculiar disc does what it does. Well let me walk you through the disc experiment step-by-step.

First off, Newton attached colorful bits of paper around the edge of a spinning circle – pieces of paper showing the colors of the rainbow, if you please.

Then when spun at top speed, a funny thing happened. Those hues didn’t stay distinct like you’d expect. Instead they blurred together due to the persistence of vision and formed a white colour!

How can that be, you ask? It’s all to do with something called persistence of vision. Our eyes can only see visible light for a split second. (1)

So when Newton made his disc rotate with lightning fast speed, the colors flashed by quicker than we can perceive. Our vision then “connects the dots” and sees all those visible light rays as one.

In other words, Newton proved white light isn’t one thing – it’s a blend of many wavelength beams of visible light, just like his disc experiment shows.

His discovery helped scientists later take a ray of white light and split it apart into the rainbow with a prism. Amazing what a whirling wheel of paint can teach us about environmental science, eh?

Next time you see something white, you’ll know it’s truly a disguise for a delightful dance of every color!

The Eureka Moment: Newton’s Groundbreaking Experiments With Prisms

During my own studies, I recall the excitement of discovering Sir Isaac Newton’s experiments using glass orbs called prisms.

Through trial and error, he found these roundabouts did something right peculiar to light. When he aimed a ray through one, colors split off in every which way!

It lit a passion in me to know: how can a beam part into an arch of hues?

Turns out, different wavelengths that make our visible spectrum travel at different speeds through the glass. This is what Newton called dispersion. (2)

Amazingly, he not only observed red, orange, yellow and more – he named our primary colors.

What’s more, Sir Isaac reasoned this proved white light is composed of a mix of shades, not one as previously assumed.

His findings spurred new questions – how do our eyes blend this rainbow? His spinning disc gave an answer through our persistence of vision.

Arrange the primary colors around a whirling piece of cardboard, and quicker than you can blink it forms white when rotated swiftly.

How marvelous to reimagine the mechanics behind even something as familiar as white light. Newton lit the way for scientists of tomorrow through bending light with bits of bent glass today!

Recreate the Rainbow: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Newton’s Disc

Have you ever wished to see Newton’s discoveries with your own eyes?

Well now you can, with just a few supplies and your own two hands. I’ll walk you through crafting your own colored disc.

First thing’s first, gather your materials.

You’ll need a circular slab of cardboard, some coloring tools for each color in the spectrum, and a pointy peg. With compass in hand, scribe yourself a large ring.

Next is the fun part – bring on the paints! Divide your circle evenly into sections, then fill each slice with a different color of the spectrum – red, orange, yellow, greenish blue, and more.

Make sure your paintbrush spreads the tints as bright as a rainbow.

Once dry, insert your peg in the disc’s center. This will spin it smooth and swift.

Now’s the moment of truth – grasp your multi-colored disc by the edges and flick those wrists to whirl it faster!

See how the blended beams join every shade into a single glorious white color through the dispersion of light.

Amazing how something so complex can be remade from common crafts, no?

With Newton’s inventions in your grasp, you now hold knowledge that shaped history in the palm of your hand. Happy spinning, and eyes open to the beauty of light!

Benefits of Newton’s Disc

It was an important discovery because it proves that light is not colourless, but rather has a colour in it that converges together to give the dull white that we consider colourless, and it was done by Isaac Newton.

This property is based on the principles of light scattering. (3

By scientifically establishing our spectrum, Newton set the stage for others to experiment with colour scientifically. His work led to breakthroughs in optics, physics, chemistry, perception, and the study of colour in nature.

Coloured line graphs reveal chemical compositions of minerals. When a pure metal is burned and viewed through a spectrometer, each element gives unique spectra, a kind of colour imprint.

This method, called spectroscopy, has led to the discovery of new elements and marks the first steps towards quantum theory.

Debunking the Myth of Colorlessness: How Newton Proved Light Has Color

After recreating the rainbow with your own Newton’s Disc, it becomes evident that Newton was able to debunk the myth of colorlessness by proving that light has color. Here are three key points that illustrate how Newton accomplished this:

  1. Newton’s Disc: Newton used a spinning disc with different colors to demonstrate that white light isn’t colorless. When the disc is spun rapidly, the colors merge together, creating the appearance of white light. However, when the disc is slowed down, the colors separate and become visible again, showing that white light is composed of different colors.
  2. Primary Colors: Newton’s experiments led him to discover that white light can be broken down into its constituent colors, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These colors make up the spectrum of light and are the primary colors from which all other colors can be derived.
  3. Colors of the Spectrum: Through his experiments with prisms, Newton was able to show that white light consists of a mixture of colors with different wavelengths. Each color in the spectrum has its own unique wavelength and can be seen when light is refracted or dispersed.

The Primary Colors Revealed: Newton’s Pathbreaking Discovery of the Spectrum

Newton’s groundbreaking experiment with the color disc led to his discovery of the primary colors and the nature of white light.

Newton’s color disc experiment involved a spinning disc with different colors arranged in a circle.

He observed that when the disc was spun rapidly and a ray of white light was directed onto it, the colors blended together to create a white color. This fascinated Newton and led him to further investigate the properties of light.

Through his experiments, Newton discovered that white light is composed of a spectrum of colors. When white light passes through a prism, it refracts and separates into its constituent colors.

This spectrum consists of the primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Newton’s discovery of the primary colors and the spectrum laid the foundation for our understanding of light and color. It revolutionized the fields of art and technology, allowing for more accurate representation and manipulation of color.

Today, his findings continue to shape our world, from the vibrant colors in paintings to the pixels on our screens.

Why Does a Spinning Disc Appear White? The Science Behind Color Perception

After learning of Newton’s investigations, I was curious what trickery makes his whirling Newton’s disc shine like snow. His studies of light splitting and rejoining gave clues I aimed to understand better.

First off, when Newton’s painted plank spun fast, it relies on something called persistence of vision. Our eyes retain imagery even when things disappear quick as a blink.

So as red and orange and more colors of the visible spectrum flashed, our vision joined them together.

Secondly, white light itself is every hue combined, as Sir Isaac Newton proved so long ago. His prism experiments uncovered the visible spectrum built into beams of brightness.

When white strikes Newton’s disc mid-twirl, it breaks apart only to reforms an instant later through our eyes.

All thanks to that brilliant fellow so many years back. By separating sunshine with glass, Newton opened our understanding wide as an evening sky.

His works in color led to realizing how optics and perception entwine. Now when I twist my own Newton’s colour disc roundabout, I see not just mixtures but lessons in light that elevated science from twilight to full dawn.

The mysteries nature veils Newton loved to address.

Through patience and ingenuity, answers emerged like blooms after rain. His insights remain bright beacons for inquiring minds today. It can also be a playful way of learning in this era. 

Inspiring Centuries of Innovation: Newton’s Lasting Influence on Optics

Ever since first learning of Sir Isaac Newton’s light tests, I been amazed by mysteries unveiled. Folks used to think white stayed solid, but his glass globes proved it held a hidden palette.

By refracting rays of white light, rainbows shone where none seen before!

Newton’s spinning disc discovery stirred my soul same as. Watching primary colours spin and merge on its piece of cardboard face, blending back to a single white colour, was inspiration in motion!

His finding that vision knits images together showed flickers could capture moments in time.

From there, technology took flight. Early photography had boosters aplenty thanks to Newton noting how lenses bend and focus light.

Later, experts explored tiny worlds previously unseen beneath their microscopes too. Even our modern talk stations sending messages worldwide stem from principles he began deciphering years ago.

Each new wonder stems from that first curious mind tinkering with a ray of white light.

Newton lit a lamp of learning we benefit from yet today. Every innovation builds on lessons hard-won by geniuses of history like him!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Newton create the color disc?

Newton created the color disc, also known as Newton’s disc or Newton’s rainbow wheel,

As a way to experimentally demonstrate his discovery that white light is made up of a mixture of all the visible colors of the spectrum.

By painting a circular disc with segments of the primary colors – red, yellow, green, blue, and creating equal triangles across the disc’s surface – and spinning the disc rapidly,

Newton showed how the individual colors would blend together and appear as the single color white to the human eye.

This helped prove Newton’s theory about the composition of white light.

How does a Newton’s disc work?

A Newton’s disc, sometimes called a color wheel or colour disc, works due to the optical phenomenon known as the persistence of vision.

When the multi-colored disc is spun rapidly by holding the disc or attaching it to something that can disc faster, the individual color segments blend together due to how the human eye processes visual information over a brief period of time.

This causes the colors to combine and appear as a single bright white color rather than remaining separate hues.

The faster the disc spins, the more fully the colors will mix to form white light.

What are the main components of a Newton’s disc?

The main components needed to create a basic newton disc include a circular surface to act as the base such as cardboard or plastic, paints or colored markers to make the color segments,

And something to use as an axle to allow the disc to spin like a brad or paper fastener.

The circular base is first divided into sections, usually 6, to represent the primary colors which are then painted on in a circle.

A small hole is made in the center to newton disc where the axle will go, enabling it to be easily spun by hand.


After seeing Newton’s spinning wonder with my own eyes, I sure understand its big impact.

Folks used to think colors separate always, but his whirling wheel showed how they join as one. Just think how much that changed ideas about light and sight!

Knowing colors come together sure gave scientists like them new thoughts.

Folks started learning so much more about optics thanks to lessons from old Isaacs.

Even nowadays innovators build on what he found, with gadgets using principles his work revealed.

It’s real amazing how one person and his tinkering can set folks learning for centuries still to come.

Young or old, we all benefit from bright souls taking time to question nature.

So next you see a sky filled with sun’s shine, just think on that curious mind that first untangled its secrets so long ago!


  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/eye2015252
  2. https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refrn/Lesson-4/Dispersion-of-Light-by-Prisms
  3. https://www.aaas.org/isaac-newton-and-problem-color

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Thermal or heat energy

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  •         Financial costs. A major advantage of thermal power is that the generation costs are very low. No fuel is required to generate power, and the minimum energy required to pump water to the Earth’s surface can be obtained from total energy productivity.
  •         Environmental impact. Environmental activists value thermal energy because it is completely renewable, uses no fuel to produce energy and has virtually no emissions. It also helps reduce global warming and pollution and requires much less space than a coal mine or oil field
  •         Job creation. Thermal power facilities create a number of jobs for local communities. Researchers, scientists and drilling workers are among the professionals needed for safe and efficient operations.
  •         Long-term production. In areas with long-term steam production, thermal plants can thrive and produce many megawatts of clean, renewable energy. In these scenarios, factories quickly recover upfront costs.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy comes from the nucleus of atoms. Energy is released by nuclear fusion (the nuclei are fused together) or nuclear fission (the nuclei are split). Nuclear plants use the nuclear fission of a radioactive element called uranium to generate electricity. Atoms – the particles that make up every body in the universe – are made of neutrons, protons, and electrons. It contains a nucleus, which is where nuclear energy comes from. Nuclear energy is released from the atom through:

  •         Nuclear fusion, when the nuclei of atoms fuse or fuse together. This is how the sun produces energy.
  •         Nuclear fission, when the nuclei of atoms split apart. This is the method that nuclear plants use to generate electricity. The nucleus of a uranium atom is bombarded by a neutron, causing it to split into two atoms

At the same time, energy is released in the form of heat and radiation As a result of the fission reaction, more neutrons are released. Then these neutrons begin bombarding other uranium atoms, so the process continues to repeat itself. This is called the chain reaction. Nuclear energy comes from the fusion or division of the nucleus of atoms. In nuclear power plants, the radioactive element uranium undergoes nuclear fission to produce electricity.


  •         Great power capacity. Upon complete combustion, 1 kg of uranium enriched up to 4% (used in nuclear fuel) releases energy equivalent to that obtained as a result of burning about 100 tons of high-quality coal or 60 tons of oil.
  •         Reusable. Fissile material (uranium-235) is not completely burned in nuclear fuel and can be reused after regeneration (unlike the combustion of ash and fossil fuels). In the future, a full transition to a closed fuel cycle is possible.
  •         Economic growth. Building nuclear power plants provides economic growth and creates new jobs. One job in nuclear power plant construction creates 10-15 jobs in related sectors. The development of nuclear energy contributes to the growth of research and national intellectual potential.

Solar energy

Solar energy comes from the sun and can be captured using various technologies, especially solar panels The “photoelectric effect” is the mechanism by which silicon solar panels harness the sun’s energy and generate electricity. Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy on Earth. It can be captured and used in a number of ways, and as a source of renewable energy, it is an important part of a clean energy future. Deep in the sun’s core, nuclear fusion reactions produce massive amounts of energy that is radiated out from the sun’s surface into space in the form of light and heat.


  •         Renewable energy source. Of all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is that solar energy is truly a renewable energy source that can be harnessed in all regions of the world and is available every day. We cannot run out of solar energy, unlike some other energy sources.
  •         Reduces your electricity bills. Since you will meet some of your energy needs with the electricity your solar system generates, your energy bills will be reduced. The amount you will save on your bill depends on the size of the solar system, electricity or heat use.
  •         Low maintenance costs. Solar systems generally do not require much maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a few times a year will do the trick.

Chemical energy

Chemical energy is the energy stored in bonds of chemical compounds, such as atoms and molecules. This energy is released when a chemical reaction occurs. Usually, once chemical energy is released from a substance, that substance transforms into an entirely new substance. When a chemical reaction occurs, the stored chemical energy is released. Heat is often produced as a by-product of a chemical reaction – this is called an exothermic reaction. Chemical energy is the most widely used type of energy in the world, as it is essential to the existence of humans and the natural world. The food we eat contains stored chemical energy. When the bonds between the atoms in food decompose or break, a chemical reaction takes place, and new compounds are created. The energy produced by this reaction keeps us warm, helps us move around, and allows us to grow. Different foods store different amounts of energy.


  •         Available locally. One of the most abundant fuel sources around the world because almost any combustible component can be used to provide chemical energy.
  •         Energy storage. Chemical energy can be easily stored for later use and it can also be easily accessed as needed.
  •         Effective. Chemical energy can be harnessed quickly as long as the right amount of oxygen is present and combustion is done effectively. Therefore, to make the most of chemical energy, it is important to have a system that supports optimal combustion.

Electrical energy

Electrical energy is caused by the movement of electrical charges called electrons. The faster the charges move, the more electrical energy they carry. Since the charges that cause energy to move, electrical energy is a form of kinetic energy. The amount of energy depends on the speed of the charges – the faster the charges, the more electrical energy they carry.


  •         Multiple sources. It is also possible to generate electricity by using heat from below the Earth’s surface to produce steam that drives turbines. People also generate electricity from biomass, which is a material from sources such as wood, fuel crops and agricultural waste.
  •         Locally available. One of the most abundant fuel sources around the world because electricity is present in all the corners of the world today.
  •         Environmental impact. Environmental activists value electrical energy because it is renewable, uses no fuel to produce energy and has virtually no emissions. It also helps pollution and requires much less space than a coal mine or an oil field. 


Know Everything about Artificial Intelligence

No doubt, Technology has seen many stages. But do you think that adapting to it completely is a good option? Moreover, Artificial Intelligence has always been a topic creating more debates on the dais. This is that topic which has both people in its support as well as people standing against it. It goes to another level questioning the progress of human beings.
It has the capacity of overpowering as well as standing out even stronger than the human race. Most people are worried about Artificial Intelligence when it gets more advanced than can compete with the capacities of humans which might result in being comparatively weak when considered with that of Artificial Intelligence.

Leave the rest, technology is all that is trending in the 21st Century. The Art of Intelligence lets you reach another level and is the base for progress as well as Innovations. It is also known as Machine Intelligence. We all know to what extent we have turned out to be the slaves of the machines and trust me almost half of your hustle is all replaced by the computers or devices that are smart as well as Intelligent to make things easier.

This is a field that craves the attention of human beings. While the most on-going topic is Artificial Intelligence and how its wide uses can raise the temperature in all the domains.

Replacement of anything that is basically non-living is at one side and replacing humans with such intelligence makes you think at least twice. I mean if all things you do is replaced by a robot then it is baseless. It also questions your existence at the same time. Making a wise decision in this matter is really important and even crucial.

Hence Artificial Intelligence has its own set of advantages as well as disadvantages. No doubt it has enabled better and effective communication and advancement in innovations and technology but at the same time, its after-effects are unknown and can cause much damage as you might have already come across many films about Artificial Intelligence and its wild effects that can ruin things up beyond your imagination. The effectiveness of this Intelligence can be judged by its power and adaptability and the many uses it possesses.
In my regard optimizing Artificial Intelligence in the right way is better and effective.

What are the few best examples that support Artificial Intelligence?

    • Siri, which you know is the biggest part of iOS at present, is also an outcome of Artificial Intelligence which is known for actively communicating with its users.
    • Tesla which is your Drive partner and promotes communication, system sensors, and more.
    • Flying Drones which give you goosebumps with captivating capture of their views which is complete aerial magic above there. Its usage has also become trending in the prevailing generation.
    • All the above and even Cogito, Netflix, Pandora, Nest from Google are all the best handful examples of Artificial Intelligence.
    • This intelligence also serves the officials of crime branches in solving many cases.

What is the Importance of Artificial Intelligence?

    • This kind of Intelligence can be your super mate in absorbing and interpreting any data that proves to be more complex.
    • It is known to be the future of finding solutions to any of your complex decisions.
    • Intelligence like Computer will be able to calculate any tough calculations or say permutations and combinations in just seconds.
    • It serves you in taking right and wise decisions and suggests you with dynamic potential moves.
    • It promotes the logistics of learning of a machine.
    • It helps you arrive at a conclusion.
    • It can assist you in all kinds of decision making when it is regarding your business.
    • It helps in keeping up all the Global chains for all the companies and industries and maintaining a good balance.
    • None the less it also helps the food or product delivery specialists to find routes leading to the ultimate delivery location.

What are the uses of Artificial Intelligence?

This Intelligence can be used to detect several kinds of frauds in organizations that provide services on the basis of finance or various financial institutions providing various financial services to its customers.

You can also seek its assistance in any kinds of payment frauds that are related to your cards or bank transactions.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you will be able to meet all the demands of Customers virtually or provide any kind of assistance to your user of customers through a virtual model.

It can be used in any kind of standard level inquiries in order to interact with the human towards the other edge.

You might have seen most of the websites or web applications using a feature called ‘chatbot’. This is the best example of Artificial Intelligence where all your queries either through a text message or through voice communication by default reach the servers and there is a reply addressing your respective question which is done with the help of artificial intelligence.

We can, a fast-moving upgrade can also serve best for any kind of future interactions with any website’s artificial intelligence network.

There are different kinds of applications of Artificial Intelligence and from the youths studying to professionals of businesses and many marketers, it has been most beneficial.

From a disabled person to a cook, this Intelligence serves as a big helping hand to everyone out there.

The fact that Artificial Intelligence can take part in your routine activities guiding and assisting you can be overwhelming but you would not be quite surprised at the same time when I would tell you it has already conquered most of the corporate fields.

It can serve you with all your work making things easier, quick, you can even expect error-free tasks and get things done at a faster pace.

It reduces the burden from your mind making things more reliable.

Its efficiency is beyond comparison.

What are the Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

  • It can help you to avoid any kind of repetitive tasks as all your work will be replaced by machines.
  • It can help you in reducing any kind of workload.
  • It is said that the power this kind of Intelligence possesses can help you reach a great height in progressive terms.
  • They are the base for new alternative innovations coming up.
  • Driving this kind of Advanced Intelligence in the right stream can help you boost productivity in various fields that will create the magic which will go beyond your brains. Thus increasing the level of progress as well as productivity at the same time.
  • It has been Influential to all kinds of domains exclusively the commercial as well as the domestic ones.

What are the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?

  • The power of Artificial Intelligence can be misused and this is what brings nightmares to various experts.
  • This Intelligence can expel you to do anything and the biggest fear is its capabilities and perspectives that are still unknown to us.
  • Even in case of taking Artificial Intelligence to another advance and extreme level that can cause more destruction as well as harm.
  • The biggest question which still remains unanswered is whether these kinds of Intelligence can be a boon to the humankind or either a threat with its potentials.

We can’t deny the fact that Artificial Intelligence has conquered a greater part of our lives already making things automated and easily accessible. No wonder its advantages can accelerate your excitement and its benefits are no doubt jaw-dropping but at the same time, it also comes with its own disadvantages which can also replace you but with double times more power.


There are five sense organs in the human body. Out of which the work of eyes and ears are very important. But ever anyone thinks that these organs will be useless if there is no light and sound, without light we cannot see anything and what is the work of our ears if there will be no noise. Thus, sound and light play a very significant role in the human world, without them people can’t do any work. The sound and light are a source of information, as without light human eyes can’t see and read and without sound, there will be nothing for human ears to listen. So light and sound play a fundamental role in human life. Lights on one side brighten our life while sound fills our life with joyousness. Lights are used so essential that without it we cannot see, our houses will be dark without it, we cannot read, study, eat, we can do nothing without light. Light cram our life with happiness and makes our life shining and brightening. Similarly sound too makes our life full of noises and music. With the presence of sound only we can communicate with others and share our feelings. Sound is produced by vibrating objects and these vibrations produced enormous music, tunes and different type of sounds. Thus, sound and light fill our lives with joy and enthusiasm.

Light and sound from the perspective of science

Both light and sound are a form of energy but each has its speed level. As the sound and the light both are a form of the wave but light travel at a much faster speed than the speed of the light. In physics, it is said that light travels million times faster than the speed of the sound instead of light is the fastest wave among all types of waves. The light can travel anywhere it doesn’t require a medium of travelling as light can travel in a vacuum while sound requires a travelling medium like air and water. The science defines light as the electromagnetic radiation while the sound is the vibration that travels through air, water and solid objects. Light and sound both are waves, light is a transverse electromagnetic wave while the sound is a longitudinal wave. Scientist all around the world uses these two waves in much scientific research and development. Both light and sound are very crucial and both have an enormous number of uses as human explores the world through there seeing and hearing senses.

Uses of light

In science, light is defined as the transverse wave and is a form of kinetic energy. In our day to day life, we know how useful lights are in our life as it brightens our life. The light plays a very important role in human life. Light makes all the things and objects around humans visible and make them explore the various colours of the world. Our eyes are useless without light as only because of the presence of light we can see the world. The natural provide the biggest source of light and that is the sun. The sun is the ultimate source of light. The sunlight is very essential for living-organisms survival as without sunlight the photosynthesis process doesn’t take place and if this food process of plants does not take place then oxygen will not be formed. Thus, directly or indirectly light from the sun is very crucial for humans.

The light from the sun can also be used to produce solar energy that is an alternative and renewable eco- friendly source of electric energy. As the light is produced through hot objects and one such light-producing object is the laser and lasers because of their bright light is used for various purposes like in a computer, in medicines and the industries and factory production.

Lights are also considered as the symbol of happiness and light is used for decorating purposes also. Whether it is a decoration for the wedding ceremony, for festivities, or in big malls or complexes, light plays an important role in making things beautiful. Festivals like Diwali cannot be celebrated without light and people show their joyousness in Diwali by lighting Dias, firecrackers and decorating their houses with innovative light. Lights have become a significant part of interior designing and in interior decoration and markets are full of lightening accessories and decorating materials like lighting candles, attractive lamps, glass chandeliers, and many such beautiful lightening decorating pieces are used to decorate houses, malls and banquet halls. Thus, uses of lights are enormous in our lives.

Lightening also plays a significant role in sports events and stadiums. Even lights are necessary for organising events like schools functions, dancing shows and in the shooting of films and daily soaps. Without proper lightening in studios shooting can’t be done. Lights in transporting vehicles are also very necessary to avoid accidents. Wherever we go whether in houses, in offices, in railways or metro and even in-car, light is necessary everywhere as it makes objects visible to human eyes.

Uses of sound

In scientific terms, the sound is a longitudinal wave that requires a medium of travelling. Sounds in our daily lives is very essential as it fills our lives with joyousness and happiness through different forms of sounds. Sounds always surrounds us. As due to the presence of sound only we can hear otherwise if sound and noises are not present then our ears are of no use. Thus it sounds are very necessary and relevant in everyone’s lives.

Sounds uses can be trace firstly in the music industry. Endless numbers of songs and music are created only because sound energy makes it possible. It is recommended by the doctors that listening to music helps to lower the stress levels and reduces the chances of depression. And music is completely based on the sound that is produced from the musical instruments and the mouth of the singer. Even the dance industry too is incomplete without music and sounds as dance can be done only on music and on tunes of various musical instruments.

Sounds helps us to communicate with others and to deliver our feelings as well as to listen, another person. Through sound only we can communicate with our pets and various other animals. All animals have their distinct sounds and through their different sounds, we can differentiate them.

Sound as ultrasonic waves can be used in hospital purposes like for doing ultrasounds tests, to treat cancer and other deadly diseases, and in industries, ultrasound is used to measure the thickness of metal and other objects. In schools, an alarming bell’s sound helps to declare the scheduled timetable. In shooting studios and theatres, the sound is essential. Even at the road, car’s horn to traffic police’s whistle the presence of sound is everywhere.

Sounds is also consider as a celebrating symbol. All events have their particular type of sounds according to the nature of the occasion like birthday sounds, weddings sounds, spiritual sounds and many more. Different sounds, tunes and music convey our feelings and become a part of our important life events. Sounds are important and its significance cannot be ignored.


Sound and light both are a form of energy and are waves. Light is sound are very important and without them, we cannot explore the world. Although both are different with their properties and value. Our eyes and ears are working because of these two waves. The sound makes us hear while light makes us see. Thus, both are valuable for all human. There are various objects and things which are useless without sound and light. One such example is Television which is of no use if it doesn’t have sound and pictures that comes with the light. Films in theatres cannot be released if there will no sound and light. Sound and light are also used for presenting PowerPoint Presentations in offices, in smartboard in schools, and without these two all celebrations are incomplete as we use crackers in Diwali and weddings which look beautiful only because of their light and sound.

Lights in today’s time are used for enormous purposes and its scope in various fields is increasing. Lights play a very important role in interior decoration as various types of lamps, decorated lightening materials and showpieces are the most preferred decorating houses materials. On the other side, the sound is necessary for various spheres of life. A dance performance is possible only due to the presence of suitable music and due to the sounds of various musical instruments. Music of soothing and relaxing sound tunes has the power to change our alter mood and also helps to distress our mind.

Thus these two sound and light both are very essential and very relevant in our lives. Without these two a human life is not possible. These two are the basic principled objects of living a decent and comfortable life.



Have you ever wondered, what would we have been today if Thomas Edison hadn’t invented the bulb in 1879, could we imagine our life without electricity? The answer is a big no, five minutes of electricity down makes us restless, it seems our work has come to a standstill, as because for every inch to pin work, we are dependent on electricity whether directly or indirectly.

In today’s information and technology-dependent and woven life, we couldn’t even move a step forward without electricity. Whether it is our mobile or laptop charging, for various kitchen appliances, water supply to our homes, air conditioners, geysers, wireless connections, water dispensers, refrigerator, for all we need electricity. We can ignore but cannot deny the significance of electricity in our lives. The successful output of banks, big mega corporates, ATMs, shopping complexes, could have been possible only with 24×7 supply of electricity. The whole complex process of the metro network, airways and railways had been highly dependent on electricity. A little glitch in any wire has the power to disturb the whole metro network, disturbing the daily schedule of thousands of working people dependent on it. The online classes, work from home and webinars during the current pandemic situation had been only possible with the reach of electricity to almost every corner of urban areas. Thus, the human in today’s time human sustenance is impossible without the availability of electricity.

How Electricity reaches our homes

The energy that makes the bulb to light is the electricity but it does not come just by switching on the switch but there is a long procedure from the production, generation, transmission and then distribution of the electricity. There are various sources through which electricity can be obtained. These sources are divided into conventional and non-conventional. The conventional or non-renewable sources are coal, petroleum, natural gas, and nuclear gas while non-conventional and renewable sources are the sun, biomass, water, wind, tides, thus these can be renewed or taken again one replenished. But non-renewable cannot be replenished again once they are utilised. Thus, need to be used with care.

The plants of these sources are set up through which the electricity is formed. Thus, after production, the transmission of electricity is taken into account. After the conversion of energy into kinetic energy, the electricity that is formed is transmitted into enormous wires and underground cables through which electricity reaches to the substations of electricity. These substations are located millions of miles away from residential areas. After the electricity reaches to the substations then it is diffused to the homes in cities and other residential areas. Through this procedure, the electricity reaches our homes and makes human survival easy.

Electricity uses in day to day life

In today’s time, we are surrounded by enormous techy gadgets that run through electric energy. Everything whether our sources of entertainment or the appliances for our comfort, all require electricity to work. Thus, people’s survival is impossible without the presence of electricity.

As without entertainment life becomes boring and stressful. So some medium of entertainment is necessary and all these mediums can entertain us only when electricity is available. We cannot use our mobiles and laptops without electricity. Television, the biggest entertainment source cannot be available if we do not supply electricity to it. Watching movies, DVDs, Mp3 players, all is possible only due to electric energy. Even the internet through wifi connection can be operated only through the use of electricity.

The development of health infrastructure is useless if the latest technology machines do not work. The modern health care machine can be operated and use to treat people only when electric energy is supply to it. Even operations and surgeries can be done only through electricity as how without light and monitors the operation can be done. The electronic beds, ventilators, monitors, oxygen supplying machines, various doctor’s tools all require electric energy. So, without electric energy hospitals and health care facilities cannot be operated and use for treating people.

The clothes we wear can be stitch all through the sewing machine. The sewing machine can be operated through electricity only. So if electricity is not there even we cannot get our fully stitched and designer dresses.

The globalisation of the world becomes possible only through international transporting facilities. These transporting mediums of humans work only with proper electricity facility like aeroplanes cannot fly and transport people if electricity is not there. The Metro services which is the lifeline of urban cities, railways and airways all depend on the supply of electricity to become in operation.

In our houses, there are a variety of electronic appliances, which makes life fast and comfortable. The microwaves, washers and dryers, dishwashers, dispensers, refrigerators, ovens, toasters, grinders, blenders and many more household appliances can provide services only when an electric current is given to them. Other than these our houses and buildings are constructed only through the supply of electricity as various civil engineering activities uses electric machines. Even digging and mining activities to require electricity.

In factories, heavy machinery and other processes from making to the packing of items are done through electricity only. In offices and at workplaces, from lighting, lifts, laptops, air conditions, scanners to tea making pots all require electricity to provide services. Even in malls, complexes, banks, all run through electricity. Even our streets lighten only due to electric street lights. The geysers for heating water in winters to supply water in big sports stadium grounds all require electricity. The sports events, wedding functions, formal office meetings, sports and other competitions all require electricity. No event can be organised without the availability of electricity, thus electricity is very important.

The recent example of the electricity uses is when during the lockdown due to the pandemic, everyone was completely depended on their electric gadgets to connect with others. The online classes, webinars, work from home, online conferences were made possible only due to the supply of electricity through which they can charge their electronic gadgets.

Thus, the uses of electricity are boundless in today’s modern and the progressing world and human survival is not possible without the electric current.

How to save electricity?

While there had been numerous uses and significance of electricity in our life, however, the excessive use of air conditioners, refrigerators and other such appliances harm the environment. The toxic release by the big hydropower plants and chlorofluorocarbon release from these electronic appliances is damaging the ozone layer and causing global warming. Hence if we save electricity we can reduce the number of toxic gases released by them.

There are several ways through which we can contribute to saving our planet, such as switching off the electric lights and fans when not in use, reducing the amount of electricity used in the day time, use energy-saving devices, appliances and LED bulbs, cutting down the use of unnecessary electronic devices such as dishwasher, and we can contribute to healthy planet by planting more plants and saving other non-renewable resources.

Besides hydro-electricity, there are alternate environment-friendly ways to produce electricity and that are widely in use these days. Like the electricity produced through solar power, geothermal and wind power which will help to reduce the greenhouse gas’s emission and reduces some types of air pollution and the impact of climate change.


As electricity is a very significant part of our life so we need to save electricity. We use electricity in enormous ways in our day to day life. Whether in our homes or houses or even I roads we consume electricity at every step. For entertainment, traveling, visiting offices, in banks, using ATMs at every place we need electricity. Using daily household appliances, like television, ACs, washing machines, dryers everything runs through electric current. In our office’s computers, scanners, lifts, all require electricity. Even in schools and colleges, various machines like water tanks, computers, cafeteria’s various food making machines, smart boards, administrative activities everything requires electricity to operate. The construction activities and engineering activities can only be done with the use of electricity. The hospitals running to treat people cannot treat them without the supply of electricity as various hospital infrastructure from electronic beds to ventilators all are electricity consuming machines.

Thus, this essential commodity must be saved and use it properly. It is necessary to use alternative renewable means of electricity to save replenished sources of electricity. Use solar, wind, hydro-electricity instead of coal and petroleum operated electricity. Use sustainable development measures to save electricity in which the use of the present resources is done in a way that the presence of these resources will be made available to the future generation also. It is also necessary to save electricity in our daily household chores and in every way possible to save this precious and highly significant resources otherwise the time is no longer a way where no electricity will be present to the future generation.

What is our Solar System all about?

There is also a world above the human world of earth. This is the world of planetary bodies, comets, millions of moons, meteoroid and asteroids bodies. As the sun is also a part of this family rather the sun is the head of all that’s why this group is the name as the solar system, solar is taken from the Latin word “solis” which means sun, thus all the bodies and material revolving around the sun is a name as a part of the solar system.

These outer space bodies keep on revolving around the sun due to the gravity as this force holds these solar system’s bodies and do not let them fall. These 4.6 billion old systems come into existence due to the breakdown of the cloud-like structure of various gases and dust particles. The location of the solar bodies is in the galaxy of milky-way. Many think that solar system consists of just 8 planets and their moons but this system is much more than just these planetary bodies, there are various other material bodies like the icy ring of Kuiper belt in the orbit of the planet Neptune. The sun is about 1.6 light-years away from all these celestial bodies.

Formation of the Solar system 

About 4 billion years ago there was no evidence of life on anywhere then suddenly a big collapsed occurred that led to the beginning of the innumerable bodies and materials. The solar system started forming after the big breakdown and the explosion of the clouds of gases and dust particles. The reason behind the disintegration of the cloud was the shaking waves that were produced by the supernova star.

As a result of it, solar nebula was produced which was a disk-like rotating material and it keeps on spinning and there was a great force of gravity in the center part of the nebula that causes the large attraction of boundless distinct materials. As there was a great pressure formation in the core the atoms of hydrogen gas started combining and thus, due to the combining of these hydrogen atoms the helium was produced and it exerts a great amount of energy. All this led to the formation of the Sun through which all other celestial bodies were formed but about after the hundred years of the birth of the sun.

The remaining matter in the disk surrounded the newly form sun and from the heat coming from the sun, the new planets started forming. More and more nebula was accumulating and coming together to form more bodies. Some clumping of matter started forming many huge round objects that take the shape of the planetary bodies with their force of gravity. Some planetary bodies grew into very big spheres while others form very small in shape.

But all objects that were formed from nebula were not only planets but nebula also took the shape of other objects like asteroids belt was formed as its forming matter do not get into the collision process. Other leftover nebula matter formed due to the solar winds and as this matter do not collide much so small bodies like asteroids, millions of moons, meteoroids and many other gas giants were formed. Thus, in this way the solar system come into existence.

Structure of the Solar system

As the solar system was formed its various parts of the structure arranged in the way the formation took place. The sun is like a fireball as it has a very high amount of heat so only those planets formed very near to the sun which can bear a high level of heat. The rocky and rugged planets are the ones which are the nearest to the sun as they can bear the heat of the sun. The Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all terrestrial rocky planets; thus, they are located much close to sun than other planets.

Whereas the other four planets are located farther away from the sun that’s why they can hold icy and gaseous material. The Jupiter and Saturn are the gaseous planets while the Uranus and Neptune are the icy planets. Other than these eight known planets there are about 796,354 unknown minor planets in the solar system. Out of all these planets, life exists only on the earth whereas many discoveries are still in the process to uncover the forms of life on other planets.

As till now, the astrological researches discover that there are as many as 150 moons in the solar system but there are speculations that maybe there are also many more moons which are not still not known. Out of all the eight planets, six planets have their moons but only Mercury and Venus don’t have there any moon while the Jupiter and the Saturn have the largest number of moons. The smallest planet Pluto has five moons while the earth has only one moon. Even many astronauts discovered that many asteroids to have their moon.

Any other objects than these solar parts are asteroids, meteoroids and many small comets. There are thousands of asteroids in the asteroids belt that is located in the between of the Mars and the Jupiter. While the meteoroids are the small hard matter objects that are present in the interplanetary spaces. While there are comets also present in the solar system.

Comets are volatile ices small bodies and the solar system has about four thousand one hundred forty-three known comets till now. There are about five seventy-five natural satellites and nineteen rounded satellites in the solar system. But there is only one start in the solar system and that us the sun.

The Planets of the Solar system

The solar system consists of the eight planets and they keep on revolving around the sun due to the force of the gravity. The eight planets of the solar system are as follows-

  1. Mercury- Mercury is the first and the closest planet to the sun. It orbits around the sun for about 87.97 days and it is as old as five thousand years. As it is a rocky terrestrial planet and closest to the sun it receives a very high amount of heat. Its temperature of the surface is as high as 450 degree Celsius. It is also the smallest among all planets and because of such a high surface temperature, no life form can sustain on Mercury.
  2. Venus- Venus is the second planet after mercury from the sun. It orbits around the sun for 224.7 earth days. The planet Venus does not have any moon of its own. Its size and mass are just the same as that of the earth and it has the densest atmosphere among all. As Venus has water and other necessary life-sustaining conditions so there are speculations that the Venus can sustain life but till now no life exists on the Venus.
  3. Earth-Earth is the only planet of the solar system on which life exists as the earth has land, water, air, that are all habitual life-sustaining conditions, thus many life forms sustain on the earth. The earth has the only one moon and it is only natural satellite available on earth. The earth orbital period around the sun is 365.256 earth days. It is the most massive terrestrial planet among the rocky planets of the solar system.
  4. Mars- This red planet of the solar system has its atmosphere, moon, snow, deserts and valleys too with a comfortable temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit but the problem is that its polar temperature is very low. But till now no evidence of life has been traced on mars. The average distance between the mars and the sun is about 93 million miles.
  5. Jupiter- the fifth and the biggest planet in the solar system. This giant planet is the third bright object of the solar system after the moon and the planet Venus. It has a moon named Europa. No evidence of life has been discovered on Jupiter as it is like a big gaseous planet but some researches are going on about the life-sustaining conditions presents on its moon part.
  6. Saturn- This gas giant planet is much larger than the size of the earth as its radius is nine times more than the earth. As it is composed only of helium and hydrogen gases so no life can exist without the presence of oxygen.
  7. Uranus- The seventh planet of the earth and the ice giant has the third-largest planet radius in the solar system. It does not have a suitable temperature to sustain life.
  8. Neptune- the eight planets and the fourth-largest planet radius, the Neptune is the one planet which is farthest from the Sun., thus, its surface temperature is very low so no life can sustain on it.

These are the planets which are found in the family of the solar system and which rotate around the sun. All these planets, along with the sun, moon, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and many more millions of small bodies together constitute the solar system.

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