What is our Solar System all about?
- By admin
- 2020-08-06
There is also a world above the human world of earth. This is the world of planetary bodies, comets, millions of moons, meteoroid and asteroids bodies. As the sun is also a part of this family rather the sun is the head of all that’s why this group is the name as the solar system, solar is taken from the Latin word “solis” which means sun, thus all the bodies and material revolving around the sun is a name as a part of the solar system.
These outer space bodies keep on revolving around the sun due to the gravity as this force holds these solar system’s bodies and do not let them fall. These 4.6 billion old systems come into existence due to the breakdown of the cloud-like structure of various gases and dust particles. The location of the solar bodies is in the galaxy of milky-way. Many think that solar system consists of just 8 planets and their moons but this system is much more than just these planetary bodies, there are various other material bodies like the icy ring of Kuiper belt in the orbit of the planet Neptune. The sun is about 1.6 light-years away from all these celestial bodies.
Formation of the Solar system
About 4 billion years ago there was no evidence of life on anywhere then suddenly a big collapsed occurred that led to the beginning of the innumerable bodies and materials. The solar system started forming after the big breakdown and the explosion of the clouds of gases and dust particles. The reason behind the disintegration of the cloud was the shaking waves that were produced by the supernova star.
As a result of it, solar nebula was produced which was a disk-like rotating material and it keeps on spinning and there was a great force of gravity in the center part of the nebula that causes the large attraction of boundless distinct materials. As there was a great pressure formation in the core the atoms of hydrogen gas started combining and thus, due to the combining of these hydrogen atoms the helium was produced and it exerts a great amount of energy. All this led to the formation of the Sun through which all other celestial bodies were formed but about after the hundred years of the birth of the sun.
The remaining matter in the disk surrounded the newly form sun and from the heat coming from the sun, the new planets started forming. More and more nebula was accumulating and coming together to form more bodies. Some clumping of matter started forming many huge round objects that take the shape of the planetary bodies with their force of gravity. Some planetary bodies grew into very big spheres while others form very small in shape.
But all objects that were formed from nebula were not only planets but nebula also took the shape of other objects like asteroids belt was formed as its forming matter do not get into the collision process. Other leftover nebula matter formed due to the solar winds and as this matter do not collide much so small bodies like asteroids, millions of moons, meteoroids and many other gas giants were formed. Thus, in this way the solar system come into existence.
Structure of the Solar system
As the solar system was formed its various parts of the structure arranged in the way the formation took place. The sun is like a fireball as it has a very high amount of heat so only those planets formed very near to the sun which can bear a high level of heat. The rocky and rugged planets are the ones which are the nearest to the sun as they can bear the heat of the sun. The Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all terrestrial rocky planets; thus, they are located much close to sun than other planets.
Whereas the other four planets are located farther away from the sun that’s why they can hold icy and gaseous material. The Jupiter and Saturn are the gaseous planets while the Uranus and Neptune are the icy planets. Other than these eight known planets there are about 796,354 unknown minor planets in the solar system. Out of all these planets, life exists only on the earth whereas many discoveries are still in the process to uncover the forms of life on other planets.
As till now, the astrological researches discover that there are as many as 150 moons in the solar system but there are speculations that maybe there are also many more moons which are not still not known. Out of all the eight planets, six planets have their moons but only Mercury and Venus don’t have there any moon while the Jupiter and the Saturn have the largest number of moons. The smallest planet Pluto has five moons while the earth has only one moon. Even many astronauts discovered that many asteroids to have their moon.
Any other objects than these solar parts are asteroids, meteoroids and many small comets. There are thousands of asteroids in the asteroids belt that is located in the between of the Mars and the Jupiter. While the meteoroids are the small hard matter objects that are present in the interplanetary spaces. While there are comets also present in the solar system.
Comets are volatile ices small bodies and the solar system has about four thousand one hundred forty-three known comets till now. There are about five seventy-five natural satellites and nineteen rounded satellites in the solar system. But there is only one start in the solar system and that us the sun.
The Planets of the Solar system
The solar system consists of the eight planets and they keep on revolving around the sun due to the force of the gravity. The eight planets of the solar system are as follows-
- Mercury- Mercury is the first and the closest planet to the sun. It orbits around the sun for about 87.97 days and it is as old as five thousand years. As it is a rocky terrestrial planet and closest to the sun it receives a very high amount of heat. Its temperature of the surface is as high as 450 degree Celsius. It is also the smallest among all planets and because of such a high surface temperature, no life form can sustain on Mercury.
- Venus- Venus is the second planet after mercury from the sun. It orbits around the sun for 224.7 earth days. The planet Venus does not have any moon of its own. Its size and mass are just the same as that of the earth and it has the densest atmosphere among all. As Venus has water and other necessary life-sustaining conditions so there are speculations that the Venus can sustain life but till now no life exists on the Venus.
- Earth-Earth is the only planet of the solar system on which life exists as the earth has land, water, air, that are all habitual life-sustaining conditions, thus many life forms sustain on the earth. The earth has the only one moon and it is only natural satellite available on earth. The earth orbital period around the sun is 365.256 earth days. It is the most massive terrestrial planet among the rocky planets of the solar system.
- Mars- This red planet of the solar system has its atmosphere, moon, snow, deserts and valleys too with a comfortable temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit but the problem is that its polar temperature is very low. But till now no evidence of life has been traced on mars. The average distance between the mars and the sun is about 93 million miles.
- Jupiter- the fifth and the biggest planet in the solar system. This giant planet is the third bright object of the solar system after the moon and the planet Venus. It has a moon named Europa. No evidence of life has been discovered on Jupiter as it is like a big gaseous planet but some researches are going on about the life-sustaining conditions presents on its moon part.
- Saturn- This gas giant planet is much larger than the size of the earth as its radius is nine times more than the earth. As it is composed only of helium and hydrogen gases so no life can exist without the presence of oxygen.
- Uranus- The seventh planet of the earth and the ice giant has the third-largest planet radius in the solar system. It does not have a suitable temperature to sustain life.
- Neptune- the eight planets and the fourth-largest planet radius, the Neptune is the one planet which is farthest from the Sun., thus, its surface temperature is very low so no life can sustain on it.
These are the planets which are found in the family of the solar system and which rotate around the sun. All these planets, along with the sun, moon, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and many more millions of small bodies together constitute the solar system.